A study published in the Journal of Media Psychology found that people watch scary movies for three main reasons: suspense, relevance, and unrealism according to Bustle.  Learn more about the health benefits of watching horror films, which are summarized below:

  • Can Reduce Stress

Launching from the Well and Good page, a researcher said that those who experienced both pleasurable and frightening experiences tended to feel happier and less anxious.  A sociologist named Margee Kerr, says

“Research my colleagues and I have done has shown that gradually increasing levels of negative stimulation significantly improve mood.  Various neurotransmitters and hormones released during the experience could explain it.”

Well, by watching horror movies, you can release emotions due to stress or other pressures.  You also need to vent emotions to make your heart more relieved.  Instead of you venting it with useless things, horror movies are a simple way that you can try to reduce stress.

  • Helps Burn Calories

It feels unbelievable when you know the benefits of this one, right?  Yes, that sounds a little weird.  In addition to exercising, in fact watching horror films can also stimulate your adrenaline, you know!  This hormone can increase the body’s metabolism, so your body will burn calories faster.

According to a new study by researchers at the University of Westminster, those who watch 90 minutes of horror movies are most likely to burn up to 113 calories on average.  This amount is equal to you walking almost 30 minutes.  Mentioned some of the most effective films in burning calories from the 10 films studied were Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (184 calories), Jaws (161 calories) and The Exorcist (158 calories).

How are you interested in watching it?

  • Improve Brain Function

Launching from the Starbust Magazine page, the fact is that horror films can increase brain activity.  Several scientific studies have found that scary scenes in horror movies help increase adrenaline levels and release neurotransmitters in the brain.

In addition, many people who watch horror films don’t just follow the plot, you know!  However, the audience will participate in analyzing everything that happens in the horror films they watch.  Some even think about what will happen in the film.  This of course can help hone and improve brain function.

  • Boost Immune System

Not only improve brain function, it turns out that horror movies can also boost the immune system, you know!  This is quite surprising because to get a good immune system is usually obtained from a healthy lifestyle.

 Launching from Medicareful, a finding from a calorie-burning study suggests that horror movies can strengthen your immune system.  One reason is due to an increase in leukocytes, which protect the body from infectious diseases.

Another study, published in the Journal of Stress, revealed that watching horror films can also boost your immune system in the short term by increasing blood circulation and white blood cells (fighting infection).

  • Reduce Fear and Anxiety

Sounds pretty unique, right?  Horror films are synonymous with scary things and of course they can make you scared.  While it is mentioned by research that by watching horror films you can reduce fear and anxiety itself.

Launching from Medicareful, in an interview with Broadly, Dr.  Mathias Clasen explains how scary movies can help you deal with worries.  This gives our brain a chance to deal with anxiety.  Studies have also shown that movie-induced anxiety has a positive relationship with several parts of the brain.

Well, those were 5 benefits that you can get from watching horror movies.  So now are you still refusing to watch horror films or horror films have become a list in your favorite films?  However, keep in mind that it doesn’t mean you watch horror movies too often, because anything that is too much will actually have a negative effect.

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